Everything about Khabarfori as Iran’s main private digital media
Khabarfori is working in this challenging field with more than 100 media outlets and more than 12 million .audience in various cyber platforms

Nowadays, the media plays an important role in the development of human relations. Khabarfori is working in this challenging field with more than 100 media outlets and more than 12 million audience in various cyber platforms, including websites, applications, Telegram, Instagram, Twitter, Rubika, Ita, Gap, Soroush, Bale, IGap, Twitter, Facebook, Aparat, YouTube, Namasha, Tamasha, Clubhouse, etc.(
Ebrahim Kafshdar Tusi ،who is the chairman of Khabarfori's holding, has founded Khabarfori and its platforms with the help of "Farzaneh Andalib''. In 2015, by establishing Khabarfori's Telegram channel, they founded a collection of media outlets and then invested in various startups in the field of advertising.
Khabarfori is the largest private media in the field of cyberspace in Iran and has the most audience in this field. Khabarfori started its work in Mashhad, but by the establishment of its Tehran branch, it started to develop its activities in the capital city of Iran. Our team also has a lot of branches and offices in other provinces of Iran.
After developing its media in all Iran's provinces and receiving 8 licenses from the Ministry of Culture, Khabarfori went to international areas and covered four language sites (English, Arabic, Urdu and Persian ) under its brand. Our team continued the international work with the development its media in social networks of Afghanistan and Iraq and some other countries in the region.
The slogan of Khabarfori is "Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship"that with its all departments and organizations tries to take advantage of creative ideas to produce an innovative product or service in the fields of economy, media, advertising, technology to create new entrepreneurship.
The basic content of our news media and its hardcore is "publishing useful and practical news for the people and following up the popular demands with a constructive view in order to improve the performance with a global perspective."
In order to promote the entrepreneurial spirit, our group has been employing hundreds of experts and provides the income for more than 210 families directly and for more than 1600 families indirectly.
According to the attention of Khabarfori's managers to increase the knowledge and skills of their staff, we established an educational center to pave the way for the establishment of a specialized university in the field of various training and the promotion of public knowledge. Also the attention of this group to youthfulness has caused not only attracting experts, but also the average age of its staff is only 27 years.
From the middle of 2016 to the end of 2017, Khabarfori was the most popular Telegram news channel, which not only had the most Telegram audience in Iran, but also in the world. And now, it has more than 12 million direct viewers in the media. We are the the largest advertising media company in the country which have access to more than 26 million aggregate audiences by accessing advertising.
Due to the sensitivity, accuracy and expertise in the content developing network and the complexity and speed of content distribution in all media platforms, Khabarfori, with the guidance of its experienced consultants, could receive the #Creative_Industries license from the Presidential Deputy for Science and Technology.
Another important achievement of our team is the designing, production and activation of a smart advertising platform to develop its marketing on the webs, applications and bots, which also has extensive services for advertising on Telegram, Instagram, and other social networks. This application could proudly receive a "Grade A" knowledge-based license from the Presidential Deputy for Science and Technology.
With the permission of the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor, and Social Welfare, We obtained the "Media Rise" license and started to support many online startups and as one of the most active accelerators, it is repeatedly praised by various officials.
At the present time, Khabarfori has improved its activities in various sectors by obtaining the certificates of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and registering several licenses of multi-purpose and single-purpose cultural institutes, as well as digital publishing institutes.
Khabarfori's companies, agencies and institutions
ADsign is a digital advertising agency founded by Saeed Nemati. The brand services include: social media growth, mobile app design and production (Android and IOS), apps' commercialization, notification platforms, startup development, Instagram advertising, and the production of a technology for platform development advertising called "Brand-up" which has been able to have the honor of acquiring the #Knowledge_Based product.
ADsign has a significant activity in the field of mobile advertising with at least two million viewers in its internal software platforms and almost 20 million in the marketing fields.
Sayeh Roshannama
Khabarfori media group started to develop and expand its activity in Tehran since 2017 and has been operating during these years in the form of some multi-purpose cultural and artistic institutes like "Sayeh Roshannama" which is managed by "Dr. Mostafa Entezari Heravi".
The important activities of this institute includes: the Production of cultural, political and economic programs in the form of interviews with the political officials, artists, athletes in various news forms and in various platforms, including social networks, websites, applications and YouTube pages.
Due to the efforts of our specialists, "Khabarfori" news agency (website) with a rank of 200 (in Alexa) and "Sorna Khabar" have become effective media in Iran.
"Baran" is an advertising-media company (agency) that was established in 2009 by "Borhan Rokni" with the investment of Khabarfori and started its activity as the exclusive advertiser of Khabarfori in social networks.
The activities of this company are not limited in publishing the advertisements in the media of Khabarfori. The other activities of the company include: advertising consulting, production of advertising content, publishing extensive advertisements on Telegram, Instagram and Iranian social networks, event marketing, employer branding, content management, audience media growth and implementing public relations projects with an organized network containing 22,000 active customers.
BaMa Top
The large-scale news bulletin called "BaMa Top" was launched by "Ali Rafiei". By the efforts of experienced managers, independence of brand and professional team, this company has been able to cooperate with the top media and social networks such as Telegram, Instagram, Rubika, Soroush and Eitaa, which have tens of millions active audience.
BaMa Top (as a professional agency) has been able to expand its brand in the field of influencer marketing by providing a wide range of advertising services.
Click Institute, with the well-known brand of "Akhbar Mashhad" and "Mashhadfori" News agency, is the most popular online media in Mashhad, which supports the most important political, economic, social, cultural, sports, etc. events of the city (Mashhad) .
This news site is a platform for publishing Mashhad city news and includes Mashhad channels and social networks in Telegram, Rubika, Soroush, Gap, iGap, Bale ,… and video platforms in Instagram and YouTube.
The managing director of this institute is "Meysam Rouhi", the director of the news agency is "Maryam Golparvar" and its editor in chief is "Fatemeh Sahami".
The managers and members of this group believe that they should not just publish the news, but they have a duty to reflect the views and demands of the people.
The advertising affairs of the news institute includes: extensive advertising in cyberspace, content management, public relations management of organizations, partnership with businesses and customer page growth.
Faratabligh Advertising Company, managed by "Fatemeh Gholipour", is also one of the advertising companies which is under the supervision of Khabarfori and is active in the various field of cyberspace, such as advertising in Telegram, Instagram, Influencer Marketing, as well as managing audience pages.
Fara Data
Fara Data Institute which is managed by Hossein Yousefi" has a lot of experience in providing technical and comprehensive services to the best and most successful cyberspace media in the country, which operates in the form of four departments:
- designing various websites and web-based systems
- designing a variety of smart applications with the modern technologies, including cross-platform flutter
- SEO and ASO specialty with specific resumes to be first with more than 50 related keywords
- Infrastructure and network hosting
Khabarfori's Content network
Khabarfori has more than 2,400,000 followers in Telegram, 800,000 members in Rubika, 800,000 members in Instagram and 500,000 in Soroush, etc. In general, Khabarfori with more than 12 million followers is the largest private and official online media in the country.
Khabarfori, by having professional teams in two fields of content production and distribution, benefit its audience by appropriate content.
Our content production team by presence in Tehran, Mashhad and other capitals of provinces of Iran has been able to publish the news in its media in various formats, such as video, audio, Photography, podcast, videocast, text, etc.
Khabarfori's news contents are produced in modern news styles and at high speed in several living languages and in various formats.
In the distribution section, by observing more than 100 official media sources and news agencies, Khabarfori selects the most important news and publishes them widely in its platforms. We also try to satisfy our audience by producing various multimedia contents in order to accelerate the development of digital media.
Given the fact that "Effectiveness" is one of the most important elements of a media, Khabarfori could be the first online private media to have a great effectiveness among the people and officials in Iran; at the present time, many officials of the country are also the audience of Khabarfori and recognize it as an impartial news source.
"Sornakhbar" news website is another media branch of Khabarfori, which is active in producing cultural and artistic contents and interviewing artists and is one of the well-known brands in this field. The managing director of Sornakhabar is "Maryam Mohammadpour"
"Khatarfori" website (managing director: "Omid Molaee") is also a news source which supports the news that is related to events, incidents, disasters and accidents. This media has started its activity in the context of social networks under the brand of "Hadethe News" and now is engaged in its serious activity and development.
In addition to our 30 provincial and regional media and news agencies which are active in the capital of each province, Khabarfori's thematic media is also active in this sector and covers all news of the field of economics, entertainment, technology, art, sports, etc.
The other News websites such as "Jaygahe Vije" )managing director: "Javad Tari Bakhsh"(, "Khabarfarda" )managing director: "Dr. Ehsan Kafshdar"(, "Titre Tejarat (managing director: "Abolfazl Shadi") and the "musiqa" site, are all outlets of our main media.
Our policy, as a media which has arisen from the hearts of the people, is to produce contents only for the people and do not spare any effort for quality, energizing and useful content.
The monitoring of the contents of all media platforms in the holding is managed by "Dr. Seyed Nasser Nemati" as Senior Editor. "Dr. Fatemeh Mohammadzadeh" is also managing director of Khabarfori as the main media of our media. "Ebrahim Tusi" is also in charge of managing and developing these media as the owner of the license.
Some Khabarfori's famous campaigns
One of the manifestations of the influence of Khabarfori on the media is the formation of various campaigns in cyberspace.
These campaigns include:
- "Kindness Flood" a campaign for helping flood victims
- "Health Defenders" a campaign for supporting doctors and medics against Coronavirus
- "Courageous resignation" a campaign for the resignation of retired officials
- "Iran without Reba" a campaign for combating bank usury (Reba)
- "Where is your child?" a campaign for the children of officials
- "Hard revenge" a campaign for the revenge of terror of General Qasem Soleimani
- "Dollar's fall" a campaign for reducing the price of the dollar
Some of these campaigns have been launched by Khabarfori and some of them have gone viral by the other branches of holding.
Media Rise
"Media Rise" accelerator was launched in Khabarfori holding recently, but in the same short period of time, some magnificent steps have been taken to develop the startups.
The startups of Media Rise are as follows:
Jibreil Future study Institute:
Jibreil Future study Institute's aim is researching and deepening content production and long-term planning in the field of science and specialized fields of media and technology. The institute, which has taken extensive measures in the field of cyber education and scientific development, is trying to obtain the necessary license to establish a specialized university.
The team also has two small businesses operating, one called Seminarfori and the other Filter Shekan tv program.
Seminarfori (seminarfori.ir) is a startup focused on setting up online classes in cyberspace, which has become more important and vital after the Coronavirus pandemic.
This startup was launched in continuation of the activities of the training center in order to satisfy the needs of the society and Khabarfori's staff.
"Filter shekan" TV Program:
In continuation with technological productions and the need to produce content in the form of TV programs for professional audiences and experts in the fields of technology and media, Khabarfori has established a TV program called "Filter shekan". Khabarfori has already produced and published various video programs such as the "Rokn Chaharom", Sorna, Modirane Movafagh, etc. on social media.
Contact us:
Ebrahim Tusi:
Mostafa Entezari:
Naser Nemati:
Fatemeh Mohamadzadeh:
Sayeh Roshan Nama institute:
Fara Tabligh:
Hi The whole text about the activity was a bit of breaking news. In terms of content: In my opinion, as a simple user, this site, which is the symbol of your entire collection, does not follow media protocols and ignores the audience, which is the main asset of any collection. In short, the result is achieved when there is honesty in the activity